Welcome to Design Leadership Memos
Between the posting of a humble tweet (RIP) and the herculean publishing of a book there lies a gap which I hope this small publication can help to fill.
Whilst many millions of words have been spoken and committed to page on the topic of Design Leadership, our collective corpus has a usability problem.
As you navigate the technology industry, you are faced not with the monolithic challenges best conquered through literature, nor are you up against situations which lend themselves to two days spent in a sweaty auditorium. You almost definitely spend your days trying to make progress on 100 fronts, all unique, all requiring skills and experience that you couldn’t possibly have yet gathered.
So, with this in mind, allow me to introduce Design Leadership Memos. Short form content tackling highly specific areas of your current and future work in design leadership. Each entry into this publication will explore a narrow area of our shared work and seek to offer a way forward based on my experience and the experience I have borrowed from generous friends and colleagues across our industry. Whilst it is not within me to suggest I know exactly what I am doing, I do remember most of what I have done, and it is these experiences of both success and failure which I am looking forward to turning into a resource which you can keep coming back to throughout your career and through the careers of the people I hope you will help to advance into their own positions of leadership and influence.
The publishing schedule will be erratic, the content meandering, but zoomed out we will together be assembling a resource which I hope will compliment the already incredible output of our young industry across all manner of media in a way which is novel, easily consumable, affordable and interesting.
Thank you for joining me here.